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contributing to rapple

rapple welcomes the participation of developers with a C programming background and experience working with XML. it might also be useful to have some knowledge of other protocols and APIs (e.g., http, MySQL, BDB etc.) to get an idea of what is planned for the next release have a look at the roadmap for release 1.1

rapple is currently developed and tested under Linux/*BSD and is deployed using GNU autotools. i am, however, interested in hearing from developers with experience of other platforms who may wish to port rapple. rapple endeavours to be fully POSIX/ANSI C compliant so code reviews are always welcome

aside from programming there are also possibilities to contribute as a web designer. typical activities might include creating convincing demonstrations of how to use XSLT/CSS to produce stylish and professional looking websites or working on rapple interfaces.

if you are interested in becoming involved then you can begin by downloading rapple and trying it out. if you are still convinced then get in touch! since it helps to be familiar with the necessary development tools (versioning, documentation etc.) you might like to review the the developer guidelines.

all contributions that are accepted into the rapple distribution will be given due credits in the usual manner (e.g., THANKS, ChangeLog etc.)

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