roadmap 1.0
status: this is the official roadmap for rapple 1.0
scheduled for release in November 2005. requests for new features
and/or bug reports can be submitted via the project homepage
and will be considered by the team for this or for future
focus: delivery of stable code that provides an
interesting set of functionality that is likely to have wide
1. target platforms
rapple is targetted at the following platforms:
- Linux (2.x kernels)
- FreeBSD (4-RELEASE and 5-RELEASE branches)
note a: it is anticipated that rapple will also compile
and function on other *NIX variants (e.g., Solaris 8+, OpenBSD 3.x
etc.) but this claim has not been extensively tested.
note b: a windows port will not form part of the initial
release though one may be included at a future date (if you are
interested in participating in such a port then please get in touch with
2. coding practices and standards
activities not specific to a particular feature but which have
an impact across the entire codebase have been the subject of
discussion within the team leading to the formulation of our
developer guidelines. throughout the
team has agreed on the use of development tools to achieve these
objectives which are either mandated (as indicated by
underscore) or recommended (as indicated by italics)
as follows:
code review review of existing codebase with a view to
standardising existing practices and/or introducing "best"
practices (indent).
memory management analysis of code for memory leaks and
introduction of mechanisms to eliminate or reduce them
documentation adoption of consistent practices for
creation and generation of code documentation (Doxygen)
unit testing adoption of a unit testing framework and
the creation of test suites and a test runner. code unit tests will
be created within the rapple module but other test cases (e.g.,
sample HTML input files) will be made available in a new cvs test
module (cunit)
code profiling identification of bottlenecks in the code
and selected optimistaions ((g)prof)
3. core functionality
core functionality addresses the fundamental workings of the
tool or activities that could have wider impact beyond a specific
modular workflow the present workflow places the
emphasis on the web asset (e.g., passing an asset from each process
stage to the next) rather than on the processes (e.g., passing all
assets to the XSLT transformation stage). the latter has inherent
advantages (e.g., increased efficiency of XSLT transformation by
only parsing the stylesheet once) and can simplify the overall flow
(e.g., generated assets can dovetail more easily into an existing
PHP processing rapple can, up to a point, process PHP
files. for this to work properly it is necessary to partition out
of PHP files sections that are likely to cause problems during
processing (e.g., where attribute values are set using the PHP
output directive "<?=") and to include them separately in from
files not directly processed by rapple (using the PHP include
command). the insertion of the XML prolog (<?xml version="1.0"
encoding="iso-8859-1"?>) also causes problems for PHP
interpreters. such issues are not unique to rapple and reflect PHP
practices that are inconsistent with XML. nonethless it may be
possible to issue warnings for some (e.g., the failure to parse
correctly) and correctly handle others (e.g., the automatic removal
of the prolog for PHP files).
entity handling the XML standard predfines a number of
entities (e.g., < to represent a literal <) however
source files may include their own entities (e.g., euro entity
symbol) which can be resolved against a DTD. the handling of
entities by rapple (incl. the use of the catalog mechanism by the
libxml library) deserves a review and could be improved. necssary
resources can be found in the etc directory of the rapple
specific failures there exist a number of specific cases
where rapple fails to take the correct course of action (e.g.,
premature closed anchor tags resulting in overflowing link) which
are documented in test HTML source files and which the parser
module attempts to resolve. the remainder of these cases should be
closed in the first release. these test cases will be made
available within the new cvs test module.
regular expressions regular expression functionality
based on the pcre library will be added to rapple to support
current and future string processing needs.
naming convention a consistent naming convention will be
introduced for all types within rapple. for example functions will
take the form prefix + module + name (e.g., concat in strutil.c
will become rpl_strutil_concat etc.)
4. features
features refers to activities that are specific to a particular
module and/or have a significant value to the end user.
cataloging in some cases a directory in a website is
used merely as a file container and there is no obvious linkage
from the rest of the website to the material contained therein.
cataloging addresses this by parsing the contents of each of the
files in the directory and generating a list entry for each file
derived from its title and a summary (or digest) of its
link checking once built the internal links within a
website can be verified and a report (e.g., to stdout or to an XML
file) can be generated. in addition to checking "href" attributes
of anchor tags the link checker is also reponsible for validated
other file related attributes (e.g., "src" of the img and link tags
etc.). verification of external links is rarely sensible and is
considered out of scope for this activity.
rss feeds rss is a news syndication format and this
activity concerns the generation of basic rss feeds following a
site build. the precise nature and format of the generated feed
requires some analysis.
MySQL database support rapple is expressly not a content
management system (CMS) and it is not within the project scope to
add such functionality to the codebase. notwithstanding it is
possible to support other tools wishing to add CMS services on top
of rapple by exposing necessary information concerning builds via a
database table. this activity covers the database design, table
creation SQL scripts and the code required to support MySQL. MySQL
support should be a compile time option and the necessary library
checks should exist in the appropriate autotools files.
Berekeley datastore as an alternative to using the
filesystem datastore a BDB datastore should be supported. access to
the datastore should be done via the datastore module and all
client code must be completely unaware of which type of datastore
is in effect (filesystem or BDB). choice of such a datastore would
ordinarily be justified on grounds (e.g., access control) that the
code should be mindful and supportive of. BDB support should be a
compile time option and the necessary library checks should exist
in the appropriate autotools files.
5. interfaces
interfaces define the interaction of the user with rapple either
as a direct user (command line interface) or an indirect user (web
front ends that in turn invoke rapple functionality). in the case
of the former it is the codebase that is impacted. in the latter a
new cvs module, resources, will be created to contain optional and
proof of concept materials that rapple users are likely to want to
use to be inspired by but which are not essential to a local
running instance of rapple.
command line interface the primary command line
interface (rapple.c) supports a variety of options and functions
for processing assets. in addition there is a CGI interface and
scope for other forms of interface (e.g., UNIX filter). this
activity concerns the unification of the command line interface
e.g., perhaps by have a central cli module and a number of
specialised clients.
PHP contributor interface it would be useful to have in
our resources module a PHP file upload script (with support for
authenticated HTTP use) that invokes wrapple (formerly rapple_cgi)
on behalf of the end user. this might correspond to a contributor
role with an orgnaisation. this activity calls for a production
quality but transparent implementation that the end user can adapt
or feature for their own use.
PHP administration interface it would be helpful to have
a web based interface from which the user can invoke rapple to
build a website. this might correspond to an administrative role
within an organisation. the interface might require MySQL support
on the underlying rapple and be capable of rendering the status of
web assets in tabular format, view link checker reports and access
the contents of generated files (e.g., original sources, tidy error
reports etc.). the interface must be capable of accessing such
resources entirely and exclusively via the datastore module and
should be ignorant of its implementation (e.g., as filesystem or
BDB). this activity calls for a production quality but transparent
implementation that the end user can adapt or feature for their own
6. support
support refers to those activities that we as developers
undertake to ensure that end-users are sufficiently informed and
supported in their use of rapple.
website documentation this concerns the accuracy of
information on the website in particular the sections concerning
building, using and configuring rapple. also important are timely
and accurate additions to the faq and other resources that
end-users are likely to consult. if you are involved in an activity
that impacts the usage of the tool (e.g., command line options
etc.) then please ensure that adequate documentation makes its way
to the website.
sample XSLTs having interesting XSLT (and perhaps CSS)
samples is likely to convince new users to adopt rapple. this
activity calls for transparent but production quality templates to
inspire new users.
context highlighting it is possible to introduce a
mechanism whereby the context of a page within the site can be
reflected using CSS classes alone (one application is the
highlighting of menu items based on the page on display). this
activitity calls for a pure XSLT solution with minimal impact on
the codebase. as part of the activity the basis for an XSLT library
(librapple.xsl) should be introduced.